SGI Developer Toolbox 6.1
SGI Developer Toolbox 6.1 - Disc 3.iso
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Text File
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Table Of Contents
* How to Get Started
* Welcome
o DT v6.1 ==> IRIX 6.2
o site licensing
o multiple CDs
* Version 6.1 New Additions
* Also Included (pre-version 6.1 vintage)
* CDROM/bin/helpfile
o if your CDROM drive is not mounted as /CDROM
o location of Developer Toolbox "help" documentation
o prerequisites to satisfy before starting any viewing
A. For people running viewDT on an IRIX 6.2 system
i. Make sure you have all the Netscape(TM) helper programs
B. For people running viewDT on an IRIX 5.3 (i.e. a non IRIX
6.2) system
i. Make sure you have all the Netscape helper programs
ii. Make sure you have all the appropriate patches installed
iii. Possible Inst Warning Messages and Conflicts
iv. A PostScript Viewing Issue
o how to do the viewing
o essential information about the viewing process
o files placed on your workstation while running viewDT
* How to use the Developer Toolbox Distributed CDROM Resource Manager
o To EJECT Your Currently Loaded CD
o dtCDmgr orientation
o Important Files
o User Interface
+ Using the Display Region
+ Using the Buttons
+ Using the Pull-Down Menus
o Troubleshooting
* janitors's corner
* Credits
How to Get Started
To use these CDs to their fullest, you need to run IRIX 6.2(TM)
Remember the living MASTER WEB HOUSE exists at https://www.sgi.com/toolbox/
NOTE: Please be aware there are three versions of this file. The
printed liner notes are cast in concrete first, then the CD
version, <CDROM>/toolbox/linerNotes.html, gets snapped. The web
house version, https://www.sgi.com/toolbox/linerNotes.html, is
never frozen, and is always the definitive source for these notes.
It is a virtual certainty that these hardcopy notes will not
contain ALL the information and details that will exist in both of
the other two sources listed above. Please refer to them where and
when possible.
-- For People With Less Than 3 CDROM Drives --
Please read about invoking viewDT, and understand how to ensure
correct content downloading from the DT v6.1 CD Pitfalls explantion.
Step 0 - Select a CD
If you know you do not have perl installed on your system, then select
Developer Toolbox CD1. If you don't know about perl, don't worry, you
will be guided through installation if it proves necessary.
Otherwise if you know information you desire is on a particular CD,
then choose that CD.
Otherwise, it is a good time to be random.
Step 1 - Run the CD
We presume you have your CDROM drive mounted under /CDROM. For those
with a different mount point, substitute that directory name for the
places we mention /CDROM. See Section 0 of the /CDROM/bin/helpfile,
below for more info.
Run the command,
This will copy approximately 10 MB worth of DT software to local disk
the first time it is invoked. It will then start the DT viewing process
using the DT software.
You have now begun to explore the contents of the v6.1 DT Set.
Actually, the full command comprises the following forms:
/CDROM/bin/viewDT [-r] [-f </directory>]
/CDROM/bin/viewDT [-r] [-f tmp_dir] [-C CD_dir]
/CDROM/bin/viewDT -u [-f tmp_dir]
/CDROM/bin/viewDT -R [-f tmp_dir]
/CDROM/bin/viewDT -h
-h Help text (this stuff)
-r Remove DT_utilities directory when viewDT finishes
-R Just remove DT_utilities directory
-u Just create DT_utilities directory
-f tmp_dir Possible directory to hold DT_utilities
-C CD_dir Directory of CD to be viewed
but you will only want these other command line options if you have
special circumstances. It is necessary to copy approximately 10
megabytes onto your local disk in order for the viewDT script to
function. Running the above command without any arguments will copy a
set of files into your /usr/tmp directory where they will remain even
after viewDt exits. They are ready for future viewDT sessions.
o If you add the -r flag, viewDT will remove the 10 MBs worth of
files when you exit viewDT.
o With the -f </directory> option, you can explicitly specify to
where you want the 10 MB to be copied.
For more details about all this, see, Section 3, how to do the viewing
from the copy of the /CDROM/bin/helpfile, at the back of these notes.
welcome to the version 6.1
September, 1996
On-line version of v6.1 CD Set Liner Notes
THE TOOLBOX JANITOR extends sincerest greetings to all, and hopes the
organization and presentation of information herein provides an essential
and ever-increasingly effective resource.
The Developer Toolbox is a publication produced for all
registered Silicon Graphics« software and hardware developers by
the Silicon Graphics Developer Program. The raison d'Ωtre of the
Toolbox is to serve as an information resource, providing an
ever-expanding library of learn-by-example materials, as well as a
wide range of technical information, for people endeavoring to
create applications to operate on Silicon Graphics systems. The
formal mission statement of the Toolbox is
To provide members of the developer program with
detailed technical information on a timely basis. The
toolbox includes proprietary, unpublished, and published
materials from a wide variety of SGI sources presented
in a one-stop-shop framework. This information
fundamentally includes learn-by-example and actual
application source code, as well as proprietary and
published documentation, software in inst image format,
and useful utilities.
The Toolbox contains Silicon Graphics source code (plus
compiled executables), technical documentation (unreleased as well
as released), public domain source code (ported to the IRIS«),
data file sets (audio, inventor, image, geometry), web-related
information (HTML, http, cgi-scripts), and utilities (where source
isn't available) plus inst software, for the purpose of helping
developers learn about, and implement code for, IRIS workstations.
This software and information is intended for use by both
beginning and advanced IRIS programmers. The philosophy driving
the ongoing creation and production of the Toolbox is to provide
our developer community with as much leading/bleeding edge
software, hardware information, documentation, FAQ lists, binary
tools and utilities not available to the general Silicon Graphics
customer base so they are as "up-to-the-minute" as possible in
understanding where Silicon Graphics is going.
DT v6.1 ==> IRIX 6.2
Except for the binaries in each CD's /CDROM/bin directory --
which provide the "web-accessibility" to the DT via the viewDT
script and the Netscape Navigator Client, 2.02S software (which is
IRIX 5.3-based) -- v6.1 of the Developer Toolbox is entirely built
upon IRIX 6.2. These binaries -- the compiled programs in the
bin/, documents/video/lurker/ij/, hardware/{dat.kernel/,
mount_media/{cdmount/, mountMO/}, parallel_port/, summa/test/},
public/TIFF/tools/, src/, and utilities/CDmastering/
sub-trees/directories -- will not run correctly on prior versions
of IRIX. For those of you still on IRIX 5.3, most of the program's
source code has not changed (see
/toolbox/DTinfo/DT6.2port.html#CHNGED for a list of what source
code/Makefiles did change) so you can copy same onto to your local
disk in order to re-compile an IRIX 5.3 version. Further, the 6.0
DT Web-on-CD has a complete 5.3 version of all this source aside
from any added new stuff.
v6.1's biggest claim to fame is that it is the first toolbox to
move up to the world of IRIX 6.2. The toolbox source, build, test
and SGI-internal-website machine, named dtdustbin and aliased as
"swank", is an IP19 6-processor Challenge-L system. In May, we
upgraded swank to IRIX 6.2, changing the 2GB system disk to be an
xfs filesystem in the process. After the Developer Forum we began
the process of re-compiling all source code on the DT with the
"bare-bones", "just compile-and-run on a 64-bit system without
reaping any of its new benefits" O32 (-mips2 -o32) default IRIX
6.2 compiler settings defined in /usr/include/make/releasedefs. In
qualifying what we mean here by the slippery-to-some-people
"64-bit system" term, it is useful to quote from that
grand-vizier-at-large Dave "Guru and busybody at large" Olson,
when he clarified this point in the sgi.engr.devp internal
The problem is how you define 64 bit. Some people still
want to assume that 64 bit means 64 bit addressing. 64
bit can also be interpreted to mean 64 bit busses or i/o
paths, and we've had that on all of our r4k and later
systems. It can also be interpreted to mean 64 bit
integer operations, loads, stores, etc., and we have
that on all systems in 6.2 with N32. It can also be
interpreted to be large files and filesystems, and we
have that (although not quite as large on the 32 bit OS
desktop machines; they are large enough.)
The only thing that is not 64 bit about the desktop
r4k systems in 6.2 is the address space. I'm not saying
that this is unimportant, but it IS only one
portion/definition of being 64 bit, and it's important
that everybody understand the distinction, particularly
if you are working with developers. It's also important
that you understand how and why we are positioning 6.2
as 64 bit on all platforms. And no, I'm not a pod. I
believe you can be 64 bit, without having 64 bit
addressing, for the vast majority of apps.
See What We Did to Port the Developer Toolbox to IRIX 6.2 for all
the details about what we did and learned about in order to
recompile the DT src on IRIX 6.2.
In re-compiling the DT binaries on IRIX 6.2, we are increasing
our emphasis to you, our developers, of the importance of porting
your applications and environments to an IRIX 6.2, all R4000 and
higher platforms' universe, since this will be the native
Operating System for all upcoming Silicon Graphics products. Such
systems won't know a thing about the "IRIX 5 dimension". Hence,
the sooner your programs can compile on IRIX 6.2 -- even with just
the "bare-bones" O32 option -- the sooner you'll be able to take
advantage of the "next generation" of SGI machines debuting later
this year. The other central fact about this situation is that ELF
binaries compiled on IRIX 5.3 will run correctly on IRIX 6.2. But
the best strategy is to qualify existing 5.3 based binaries on 6.2
to support existing platforms and begin the effort to move forward
with SGI in the near-term future.
In all our efforts to complete a sufficient "baseline" to ship
in v6.1, we were unsuccessful in re-compiling anything as N32 --
we did do an entire pass of the tree using make -i, but a
significant number of "Warning" messages using O32 turned into
"Fatal Error" messages with N32. This is the work before ALL of
us. For our part, this fall we will create an "N32 Progress" page
in which we include links to those programs which are
"N32-compliant" as we are able to clean up current DT source, as
well as add in new N32-created programs. Another component of this
"N32 transition puzzle" that will help all of us is the mongoose
MIPS PRO 7.0 compiler, since it compiles faster, and in less
memory, than the ragnarok compilers that shipped with IRIX
site licensing
Many of you would like to be able to serve the contents of the
Developer Toolbox from your local website. Here is what is
1. Security and Your Liability
The information contained in the Developer Toolbox can only
be used by current members of the Developer Program. This
means it can only be made available to employees of your
company. For instance, it is a violation to place the
contents of the Developer Toolbox on your local web connected
to the Internet, without an appropriate firewall or a secure
server. Be sure you are well-versed on the Developer Toolbox
Terms and Conditions of Use and Disclaimer, i.e. failure to
adhere to these Terms and Conditions could result in
financial liability for you and/or your company.
2. The Absolutely Easiest Way to "Pseudo-Serve" the DT
Suppose you have 3 CDROM drives available on one or more
systems on your local area network. And further, suppose
these 3 CDROM are dedicated to serving the Developer Toolbox
CDs. Then, all you have to do is place one CD in each CDROM
drive and make sure they are exported (so they can be seen by
any other system). From any machine with automount running
you could run: /hosts/sgi_dt/CDROM/bin/viewDT to start
viewing the Toolbox where one of its CDs is loaded on the
CDROM drive connected to the machine named "sgi_dt". You
supply the paths to other CDs when dtCDmgr asks for them. As
long as the CDs stay put in their respective CDROM drives,
you would only need to do this once as dtCDmgr remembers
where to look for the CDs that have already been specified in
a previous session.
3. An Easy Way to "Pseudo-Serve" the DT
Just copy each CD to a separate directory on disk.
For example, let's suppose you are using the sgi_dt machine
as the server, that it has automount running, and that you
have copied the CDs to sgi_dt:/dt_6.1/cd0, sgi_dt:/dt_6.1/cd1
and sgi_dt:/dt_6.1/cd2. From any machine with automount
running you could run: /hosts/sgi_dt/dt_6.1/cd0/bin/viewDT to
start viewing the Toolbox. You supply the paths to other CDs
when dtCDmgr asks for them. As long as the CDs stay put in
their respective CDROM drives, you would only need to do this
once as dtCDmgr remembers where to look for the CDs that have
already been specified in a previous session.
4. Serving the DT on your web
This is a more complicated process involving the running of
the oksvr server search engine along with necessary cgi-bin
scripts from /toolbox/www/cgi-bin. To do this correctly will
require work on both your and our part since each website
will have unique site-specific details to decide upon and
configure. We have opted not to tackle this route in the v6.1
release. The possibility exists that we will succeed in
creating the "how to" process write-up to document
implementing this before the v6.2 DT Web-on-CD release at
year's end. Stay tuned to the Toolbox web site's NEW page for
updates regarding this.
The possible downside of the previous two methods is that
separate HTTPD and oksvr servers are created with each
viewing of the toolbox. It would be cleaner to just have a
single version of each server (as we do with our main
website, https://www.sgi.com/toolbox/).
multiple CDs
The /CDROM/bin/viewDT DT-viewing mechanism, along with its
cohort the dtCDmgr program, have both experienced a great deal of
"maturing" since v6.0 to provide a more seamless access mechanism
for sifting the contents of the DT. We greatly appreciate the
support of those developers who helped us nail down the problems
some of you experienced with the vagaries of v6.0's viewDT script.
If you have more than one CDROM drive accessible by your
machine on your Local Area Network, you can put these CDs into the
available drives, and inform viewDt, specifically dtCDmgr, of all
of their locations when it prompts you for a particular needed CD.
You will then be able to explore all the contents as if you had
this DT nfs-mounted on disks from other machines. If you only have
one CDROM drive, the dtCDmgr will prompt you to switch CDs
whenever you access a link pointing to a file on a CD other than
the one currently loaded. (See the v6.1 contents of the
/CDROM/bin/helpfile file included in the back of these liner notes
for details about the operation of all this.)
For those of you who have already received v6.0 and it's
binder, we've designed v6.1 to be inserted into it following the
v6.0 release. For the artwork and production of v6.1 we are deeply
grateful to artist Tim Racer (our on-going "hired gun" visual
wizard who painted the binder's cover as well as the v6.0 divider)
and the steadfast help, creativity, and resourcefulness of Sophie
Lonsky, Amy Gregg, and Jenifer Bailey. embarkation of ratmandu and
HUB | Pheedbak | Tree | Topic | A-Z | Search | Hot | New | FAQs | Jumpdoors
For all issues relative to the CONTENT of the Toolbox, pleeze contact:
o dave "information ferret" ratcliffe: dave@sgi.com, 415/933-3556,
fax: 415/967-6239
o Tom "the mechanic" Murphy: murphy@sgi.com, 415/933-9134, fax:
o or, DTjanitor@sgi.com which sends mail to both of us
For ALL OTHER ISSUES relative to the Toolbox, pleeze contact:
o devprogram@sgi.com, 415/933-3033, 1-800/770-3033, fax:
* C++:
o Introduction to RogueWave Tools.h++ Libraries for Irix
* Developer News Articles:
o May/June 1996:
+ The Next Generation of Compiler Technology
+ Accessing 64-bit CPU Power with 32-bit Software
+ Analyzing Java Programs with Cosmo Code
+ IRIX 6.2 and the MIPS ABI
+ FORTRAN Dynamic Threads and System Throughput
o March/April 1996:
+ IRIX 6.2 Update
+ What is a MIPS ABI Process Port?
+ Announcing the Release of Hot Mix 13
+ Silicon Graphics Launches WebFORCE Intranet
+ 1996 Trade Show and Events Calendar
o January/February 1996:
+ Exploring the Updated Hardware Interfaces of the
Audio/Serial Option and IMPACT Graphics
+ Adding Session Management to Your Application
+ Attention OpenGL, Performer, and Open Inventor
+ Obtaining Technical Support for Your Silicon
Graphics Products
+ efscopy: No Ordinary Copy Utility
* IRIX 5.3:
o updated Documentation Catalog for IRIX 5.3, July 3, 1996
* IRIX 6.2:
o What We Did to Port the Developer Toolbox to IRIX 6.2
o Preparing for IRIX 6.2 & 64-bit, A Nutshell view and
series of pointers
o IRIX 6.2 for System and Network Administrators,
Pipeline, May/June, 1996
o IRIX 6.2 Instructions for Customers Updating From
Earlier IRIX Releases
o IRIX 6.2 Datasheet, June 18, 1996
o IRIX 6.2 Technical Specifications, January 10, 1996
o updated Documentation Catalog for IRIX 6.2, July 3, 1996
* OpenGL:
o OpenGL Character Renderer: A Specification, Version 0.2,
26 Dec 1995
various corrections, a set of complete class slides for
printing, Search capability, links to other OpenGL web
sites, and updated Man pages
o OpenGL Render Serving "Frequently Asked Questions"
o Column 9: EXIT: A 3D standard for X (finally!),
March/April, 1996
o HTML version of X Server Multi-rendering for OpenGL and
* PCI:
o PCI Developer Guide
o PCI Device Drivers
o PCI Developer Lab
o Preparing for the PCI Bus on Silicon Graphics Systems
* public:
o SGI Anonymous FTP Sites, updated to August 6, 1996
* Toolbox:
o What We Did to Port the Developer Toolbox to IRIX 6.2
o our current DT TODO 18-month-out schedule
o The janitors' Vision of Collaboration between you and
o description of The Remaining Coff Files on the DT and
our plans to replace them.
* Video:
o The Lurker's Guide to Video, a repository for the
little-known, undocumented knowledge that you need in
order to write any sort of video app on SGI machines.
Topics explored in great detail include Video in
General, The VL, SGI Video Devices.
* X:
o D11: A High-Performance, Protocol-Optional,
Transport-Optional Window System with X11 Compatibility
and Semantics, February, 5 1995
o HTML version of Programming X Overlay Windows
* WWW:
o Grant Gouldon's Web Authoring Notes, some helpful
jumpdoors for web authoring.
* CDio, software for Writing and Reading CDs enables one to
make an SGI efs OR ISO or Audio CD
* stereotest, demos OpenGL stereo-in-a-window with a model that
can be interactively manipulated and moved
* Choosing an Input Jack src code example, from The Lurker's
Guide to Video, information gold mine of what you need to
know about video.
various corrections, 6.2-built binaries
* Customer Education's opengl1 & opengl2 class source, both
sets of which are revamped to use GLUT; opengl2's preferred
platforms are Impact, RealityEngine or InfiniteReality and
some of the new SGI_extensions must be compiled on IRIX 6.2
else they won't be used.
* fontflip, demonstrates some of the capabilities of the OpenGL
Character Renderer, a.k.a. the GLC library.
* gmemusage now includes the 6.2-based src; the binary is
shipped in eoe.sw.perf.
* GLUT, release 3.1, May 3, 1996
* cmapdoctor extended so that
1. list widget displays colormaps sorted by X colormap
2. display now shows the number of colors in the visual
* public:
o rebuilt version of Xemacs binary to be overlaid on
freeware2.0 installed version
* utilities:
o a 5.3-built version of the 6.2 utility, showfiles
enables people on pre-6.2 systems to extract src and/or
man images of 6.2-built inst images like those in
freeware 2.0.
* IRIX 5.3 and 6.2 versions of
o Netscape Navigator Client, 2.02S, August 6, 1996
o Netscape Navigator Client, 3.0, September 24, 1996
* IRIX 5.3 patches:
o Patch 1412 - IRIX 5.3 Networking Rollup Patch, August
13, 1996
o Patch 1268 - 5.3/5.3xfs combined kernel rollup patch,
June 6, 1996
o Patch 1264 - XFS rollup patch for 5.3, May 1, 1996
o 5.3 X server roll up:
+ Patch 1271 - for Impact systems, May 1, 1996
+ Patch 1187 - for non-Impact systems, March 22, 1996
o Patch 1102 - IRIX 5.3 NFS roll up, April 3, 1996
o Patch 1095 - IRIX 5.3 Scrolled Window patch, January 19,
also included (pre-version 6.1 vintage):
* 64 Bit
* IRIX 6.2 documents
* IRIX 6.2-based software
* Silicon Graphics Pipeline
* MIPS ABI documentation +
patches subtree
* educational/tutorials software
* texture mapping / volume
* R10000 Microprocessor
* Hi End Graphics Systems doc
* Optimization / Performance
* utilities[+src]
* ViewKit
* public
* image data
* OpenGL documents
* OpenGL src
* paul haeberli's universe/image
* video
* audio
* X
* hardware
* network
* Performer
* General IRIX/C/CC
* IRIX 5.3
* Open Inventor
* speech recognition
* software tools
* Silicon Studio
* printers
* FAQs
* games
* exampleCode
* demos
* binaries
* Multi Processor implementations
* AND...
* 64 Bit:
* MIPSpro 64-Bit Porting and Transition Guide, 3/96
* Is your X code ready for 64-bit?, 9/95
* IRIX 6.2 64-Bit Architecture and Standards Technical Report
* MIPSpro 64-Bit Porting and Transition Guide, 3/96
* IRIX 6.2 documents:
* IRIX 6.2 New Features List document
* IRIX 6.2 64-Bit Architecture and Standards Technical Report
* MIPSpro N32 ABI Handbook, and an N32 overview
* MIPSpro 64-Bit Porting and Transition Guide, 3/96
* MIPSpro(TM) Compiling and Performance Tuning Guide, 3/96
* REACT(TM) Real-Time Programmer's Guide, 3/96
* Programming on Silicon Graphics Systems: An Overview, 3/96
* Topics in IRIX Programming , 3/96
* IRIX Admin Manual Set:
o IRIX Admin: System Configuration and Operation, 3/96
o IRIX Admin: Disks and Filesystems, 3/96
o IRIX Admin: Peripheral Devices, 3/96
o IRIX Admin: Networking and Mail, 3/96
o IRIX Admin: Backup, Security, and Accounting, 3/96
o IRIX Admin: Software Installation and Licensing, 3/96
* 6.2-rev'd versions of Dwarf Documents
* 6.2-based man pages on ELF (Executable and Linking Format)
* SGITCL Programmer's Guide, 3/96
* Documentation Catalog for IRIX 6.2 with accompanying "Manuals Summary"
* IRIX 6.2 Manuals Listing with accompanying "Manuals Summary"
* IRIX 6.2 Technical Publications BOM listing
* Preparing to Upgrade to IRIX 6.2 move from COFF to ELF with the
coffcheck script
* IRIX 6.2 Execution/Compilation Table for o32, n32, n64 with
* The Coff Story -- End of Coff Support
* IRIX 6.2-based software:
* libdwarf source from the 6.2 compiler_dev.src.dwarf subsystem
* contest, program teaches RapidApp/ViewKit/Motif
* iltest, IL/RapidApp/ViewKit tabbed deck w/ilVkComponent-derived widgets
* GLR, an OpenGL render server facility documentation and source
* Silicon Graphics Pipeline Articles:
* Controlling a Program's Layout with ELSPEC, 11/95
* Kernel Processes in IRIX 5.3 and IRIX 6.1, 3/96
* IRIX Dynamically Loadable Kernel Modules, 3/95
* Kernel Tuning in IRIX 5.x and IRIX 6.0.x, 7/95
* Automating and Scheduling Jobs with Cron, 1/96
* Local and Remote File Locking, 3/96
* Restarting Sendmail, 3/96
* Getting Started With Socket Programming, 5/95
* Supported Releases, 11/95
* Getting and Setting User Context Within a Process, 7/95
* Using Automount, 9/95
* Configuration and Use of PPP, 9/95
* IRIX 5.3 NFS Version 3, 11/95
* Configuring Multiple Network Interfaces on SGI Systems, 11/95
* Multi-pipe Graphics Configurations, 3/95
* X11 Release 6, 5/95
* Monitor Update, 1/96
* (Almost) All About SCSI, 3/95
* Welcome to Performer 2.0, 3/96
* MIPS ABI documentation + patches subtree
* educational/tutorials software:
Course materials for Impact, RE, & Infinite Reality, 2/96
* Performer 2.0 Class Source Code, 3/96
* IRIX 5.3-based software from Silicon Graphics Technical Education Dept
classes for:
o "OpenGL Programming 1 Course" (basics)
o "OpenGL Programming 2 Course" (addressing more advanced issues)
o "Open Inventor Programming Course" (Inventor 2.0-based)
* Open Inventor: lab source plus solutions
* geometer: graphical tutorial (including source) illustrates concepts of
2D Euclidean and projective geometry in 5.2-version now using jot
* texture mapping / volume rendering:
* VOLREN, release 6, Volume Render with documentation and source
* Building an OpenGL Volume Renderer, 2/96
* Volume Rendering Primer, an example of hardware accelerated volume
* Interactive Volume Rendering Using Advanced Graphics Architectures
* Texture Mapping as a Fundamental Drawing Primitive
* Accelerated Vol. Rendering & Tomographic Recon. Using Texture Mapping
* Interactive Geometric Image Transformation Using Texture Mapping
* Fast Shadows and Lighting Effects Using Texture Mapping
* Texture Mapping in Technical, Scientific and Engineering Visualization
* vidmap: texture-mapping of video, using Silicon Graphics
movie/video/compression/audio libraries; selection can be a live source
such as IndyCam(TM), other live video sources, or movie file (SGIMF,
QuickTime(TM)), to be texture-mapped to a polygon
* texvol: performs volume rendering using 2D or 3D textures
* swirl: IRIS GL texture generator program for texture maps
* 128tex: collection of small texture map images
* R10000 Microprocessor Documentation:
* MIPS R10000 (T5) Next Generation Technology, 2/96
* R10000 Microprocessor User's Manual-Version 1.1, and 1.0
* Errata for Revision 1.0 of the R10000 Microprocessor User's Manual
* Mips Open RISC Technology R10000 Microprocessor Technical Brief
* Hi End Graphics Systems doc:
* Fast VisSim On Impact Graphics, 4/96
* Impact Technical Report, Chapter 4, Impact Graphics Subsystem, 1995
Course materials for Impact, RE, & Infinite Reality, 2/96
* Onyx Platform, Graphics, and General Specifications Tables, 2/96
* Optimization / Performance Tuning:
* Optimization for Real-Time Graphics Applications, 2/96
* Performance optizations, implementation, and verification of the
Silicon Graphics Challenge multiprocessor
* showcase slide set used to teach program performance tuning
* gldebug: cheat sheet, useful for both debugging and tuning, and scripts
to parse and quantify gldebug.history data
* glprog: cheat sheet, useful for profiling IRIS GL applications
* 100+ showcase "pages" on Challenge« I/O performance+scripts+PS files
* document on benchmark results on 100/150 Mhz Challenge L/XL servers and
* utilities[+src]:
* efscopy: powerful/QUIK cloning tool for entire disk's contents
* IRIS InSight Professional Publisher Product Evaluation Software
* CDmastering: scripts and binaries make efs and iso-9660 filesystem
images, and also can handle sa files (putting sashes on the volume
header, etc.)
* VCal: a simple calendar program with alarms
* cmapdoctor: scanner/viewer for all X cmaps/visuals (over/underlays,
* coffcheck: find+replace COFF executables with ELF on local file systems
* cd-catalog, music catalog files for CDman(1) & cdplayer(1)
* fconv: numeric format conversion utility for hex/octal/decimal
* gmemusage: graphical memory usage display tool
* gvi: provides a graphical user interface to the vi(1) text editor
* parasol: analyzes FORTRAN src to aide parallel porting; static analyzer
identifies global data dependencies in Fortran from specified thread
point valuable in identifiying common blocks to be made local or to be
* setfb: sets the effective frame buffer depth to 8 or 24 bitplanes
* sgihelp_dev: IRIX 5.2-based SGIHelp development tools as inst-able
images to integrate help w/an app in the Indigo Magic(TM) User
* short_timeout: checks if remote host responds quickly, avoids long
* uil2VK: viewkit experimental replacement code generator module used
with BuilderXcessory so BX can generate compatible code with IRIX
* xshowcmap: extension, for debugging probs with multiple
* Viewkit:
* IRIS ViewKit Technical Report
* pfview, a performer 2.0 viewer using OGL/RapidApp/ViewKit
* contest, program teaches RapidApp/ViewKit/Motif
* iltest, IL/RapidApp/ViewKit tabbed deck w/ilVkComponent-derived widgets
* uil2VK: viewkit experimental replacement code generator module used
with BuilderXcessory so BX can generate compatible code with IRIX
* VCal: a calendar program with alarms
* builderExamples: programs written using BuilderXcessory
* other Vk app source: cmapdoctor, gvi, oat, uucpVadmin
* public:
* Silicon Graphics Anonymous FTP Sites, 8/6/96
* figlet: a program for making large letters out of ordinary text
* GNU emacs: version 19.28 of the GNU editor (inst images w/src).
* psgl: version 2.1 of the IRIS GL to Postscript Library
* TIFF: v3.30beta returns (v4.2 version now re-included)
* HylaFAX: version 3.0pl1 of the the HylaFAX facsimile software system
* Chaos: The Chaotic Music Generator, Version 1.0
* rsynth: Rsynth speech synthesizer ported to SGI, Version 1.0
* xd: the hexidecimal dump and load program
* xanim: display various types of animations formats in an X11
* Silicon Graphics Freeware Version 1.0 includes these instable software
1. GNU bash, v1.14.5 -- enhanced shell
2. GNU binutils, v2.5.2 -- object file utilities
3. GNU bison, v1.22 -- improved yacc
4. calls, v3.8 -- outputs call graph of functions in a C program
5. Cspect -- real-time oscilloscope/spectrum analyzer
6. elm, v2.4PL24 ME5a -- full-screen, text-based electronic mail
7. expect, v5.18 -- Tcl tool for programmed dialogue w/interactive
8. exmh, v1.6.2 -- TCL/TK based interface to the MH mail system
9. GNU fileutils, v3.12 -- file handling utilities
10. GNU findutils, v4.1 -- find, xargs, locate
11. GNU flex, v2.5.2 -- improved lexical analyzer generator
12. freeze/melt, v2.3.1 -- compression/decompression program
13. fw_common -- pre-requiste subsystem needed to install any fw_* sw
14. GNU gawk, v2.1.15 -- GNU version of awk
15. GNU gcc, v2.6.3 -- C and C++ compiler
16. GNU gdb, v4.14 -- debugger
17. ghostscript, v3.33 -- PostScript interpreter
18. ghostview, v1.5 -- X-Window user interface for ghostscript
19. glimpse, v3.0 -- file indexing and query system
20. gnuplot, v3.5 -- function plotting program
21. gopher, v1.1.2 -- gopher client and server software
22. GNU grep, v2.0 -- gnu grep
23. GNU groff, v1.09 -- doc tools replace {n,t,ps}roff, eqn, tbl, etc.
24. html2ps, v0.2 -- HTML to PostScript converter
25. GNU indent, v1.9.1 -- C reformatter
26. ispell, v3.1 -- screen-based spell checker
27. GNU less, v290 -- Like more(1) but better
28. GNU libg++, v2.6.2 -- libraries for use with the GNU C++ compiler
29. llnlxftp, v2.0.4 -- an X ftp client
30. lps, v1 -- Linux ps
31. lynx, v2.4.2 -- terminal WEB browser curses based ASCII
32. mcvert, v2.16 -- Macintosh file format translator
33. metamail, v2.7 -- implementation of MIME
34. mh, v6.8.3 -- Message Handling pkg for e-mail, b-boards, etc
35. mpage, v2.0 -- multiple page postscript processor
36. mpegaudio -- mpeg encoder/decoder does LayerI&II audio
37. netpbm, v1mar1994 -- image conversion toolkit between many formats
38. nfswatch, v4.1 -- monitor NFS requests
39. perl5, v5 patchlevel 001m -- Practical Extraction and Report
40. plan, v1.4.2 -- calendar/planning
41. python, v1.2 -- interpreted OO language like Tcl, Perl or Scheme
42. qpopper, v2.1.4 -- POP (Post Office Protocol) server
43. rzsz, v9306 -- implementation of the zmodem protocol.
44. sc, v6.21 -- spread sheet program
45. GNU screen, v3.7.1 -- terminal multiplexer
46. GNU sed, v2.05 -- UNIX standard stream editor
47. seyon, v2.14c -- telecommunications
48. GNU sharutils, v4.1 -- shell archiver/de-archiver
49. GNU shutils, v1.12 -- shell utilities
50. sono -- generate a score from electroacoustic piece
51. sox10, v1.0-ircam -- universal sound converter
52. GNU tar, v1.11.8 -- improved tar
53. tex/latex v3.1415 -- document preparation system
54. GNU texinfo, v3.6 -- text based hypertext system
55. GNU textutils, v1.12 -- text utilities
56. tin, v1.2PL2 -- news reader
57. tk, v4.0p2 -- X11 toolkit on TCL
58. top, v3.3 -- dynamic process status
59. tracker, v4.31 -- modfile-player
60. turn, v1.0 -- news reader
61. unzip, v3.0 -- archive utility
62. viewfax, v2.3 -- view facsimile-oriented images in X
63. vim, v3.0 -- vi improved
64. weblint -- perl script checks html files for errors
65. wu-ftpd, v2.4 -- for Un*x systems replacement ftp server
66. xarchie, v210.10 -- prosero client
67. xdaliclock -- digital clock, digit changes melts to new digits
68. xearth, v0.92 -- rotating globe
69. xemacs, v19.13 -- text editor
70. xfig, v3.1.4 -- draw and manipulate objects interactively in X
71. xgopher, v1.3.3 -- search engine
72. xkeycaps, v2.29 -- graphical tool to change xmodmap files
73. xless -- a graphical version of GNU less
74. xli, v1.16 -- xloadimage
75. xmorph -- image morphing
76. xpm -- drop-in replacement for IRIX 5.3 xpm library
77. xtail, v2.1 -- eXtended tail of standard UNIX 'tail -f'
78. xv, v3.10a -- interactive image display for the X Window System
79. zip, v2.0.1 -- archive utility
* Silicon Graphics Freeware Version 2.0 includes these instable software
1. GNU bash, v1.14.5 -- enhanced shell
2. GNU bison, v1.22 -- improved yacc
3. calls, v3.8 -- outputs call graph of functions in a C program
4. Cspect -- real-time oscilloscope/spectrum analyzer
5. db, v1.85 -- Berkeley db
6. elm, v2.4PL24 ME5a -- full-screen, text-based electronic mail
7. expect, v5.18 -- Tcl tool for programmed dialogue w/interactive
8. exmh, v1.6.2 -- TCL/TK based interface to the MH mail system
9. GNU fileutils, v3.12 -- file handling utilities
10. GNU findutils, v4.1 -- find, xargs, locate
11. GNU flex, v2.5.2 -- improved lexical analyzer generator
12. freeze/melt, v2.3.1 -- compression/decompression program
13. fw_common -- pre-requiste subsystem needed to install any fw_* sw
14. GNU emacs v19.13, v19.30 -- Gnu version of emacs text editor
15. GNU gawk, v2.1.15 -- GNU version of awk
16. GNU gcc, v2.6.3 -- C and C++ compiler
17. GNU gdb, v4.14 -- debugger
18. ghostscript, v3.33 -- PostScript interpreter
19. ghostview, v1.5 -- X-Window user interface for ghostscript
20. glimpse, v3.0 -- file indexing and query system
21. gnuplot, v3.5 -- function plotting program
22. gopher, v1.1.2 -- gopher client and server software
23. GNU grep, v2.0 -- gnu grep
24. GNU groff, v1.09 -- doc tools replace {n,t,ps}roff, eqn, tbl, etc.
25. html2ps, v0.2 -- HTML to PostScript converter
26. ImageMagick, v3.7.2 --JPEG/PNG/TIFF/Photo CD image pkg
27. GNU indent, v1.9.1 -- C reformatter
28. ispell, v3.1 -- screen-based spell checker
29. GNU less, v290 -- Like more(1) but better
30. GNU libg++, v2.6.2 -- libraries for use with the GNU C++ compiler
31. llnlxftp, v2.0.4 -- an X ftp client
32. lps, v1 -- Linux ps
33. lynx, v2.4.2 -- terminal WEB browser curses based ASCII
34. mcvert, v2.16 -- Macintosh file format translator
35. metamail, v2.7 -- implementation of MIME
36. mh, v6.8.3 -- Message Handling pkg for e-mail, b-boards, etc
37. mpage, v2.0 -- multiple page postscript processor
38. mpegaudio -- mpeg encoder/decoder does LayerI&II audio
39. nas, v1.2p4 -- implementation of Network Audio System
40. nedit, v4.0.1 -- GUI style plain text editor
41. netpbm, v1mar1994 -- image conversion toolkit between many formats
42. nfswatch, v4.1 -- monitor NFS requests
43. perl5, v5 patchlevel 001m -- Practical Extraction and Report
44. plan, v1.4.2 -- calendar/planning
45. python, v1.2 -- interpreted OO language like Tcl, Perl or Scheme
46. qpopper, v2.1.4 -- POP (Post Office Protocol) server
47. rzsz, v9306 -- implementation of the zmodem protocol.
48. samba, v1.9.15p8 -- SMB client and server
49. sc, v6.21 -- spread sheet program
50. GNU screen, v3.7.1 -- terminal multiplexer
51. GNU sed, v2.05 -- UNIX standard stream editor
52. seyon, v2.14c -- telecommunications
53. GNU shutils, v1.12 -- shell utilities
54. sono -- generate a score from electroacoustic piece
55. sox10, v1.0-ircam -- universal sound converter
56. GNU tar, v1.11.8 -- improved tar
57. tcp_wrappers, v7.2 -- TCP/IP daemon wrapper package
58. tex/latex v3.1415 -- document preparation system
59. GNU texinfo, v3.6 -- text based hypertext system
60. GNU textutils, v1.12 -- text utilities
61. tin, v1.2PL2 -- news reader
62. tk, v4.0p2 -- X11 toolkit on TCL
63. top, v3.3 -- dynamic process status
64. tracker, v4.31 -- modfile-player
65. turn, v1.0 -- news reader
66. unzip, v3.0 -- archive utility
67. viewfax, v2.3 -- view facsimile-oriented images in X
68. vim, v3.0 -- vi improved
69. weblint -- perl script checks html files for errors
70. wu-ftpd, v2.4 -- for Un*x systems replacement ftp server
71. xarchie, v210.10 -- prosero client
72. xdaliclock -- digital clock, digit changes melts to new digits
73. xearth, v0.92 -- rotating globe
74. xemacs, v19.13 -- text editor
75. xfig, v3.1.4 -- draw and manipulate objects interactively in X
76. xgopher, v1.3.3 -- search engine
77. xkeycaps, v2.29 -- graphical tool to change xmodmap files
78. xless -- a graphical version of GNU less
79. xli, v1.16 -- xloadimage
80. xmorph -- image morphing
81. xntp, v3.4o -- Network Time Protocol
82. xpm -- drop-in replacement for IRIX 5.3 xpm library
83. xtail, v2.1 -- eXtended tail of standard UNIX 'tail -f'
84. xv, v3.10a -- interactive image display for the X Window System
85. zip, v2.0.1 -- archive utility
* image data:
* earth from space: satellite image mosaics of earth from space created
from visible and infrared channels, by [data/images/]WorldSat, with sea
surface temperature data added for ocean areas & base satellite imagery
enhanced with shaded relief data
* rgb+gif+jpg: tons o' images in src/haeberli/{images,grafica/gallery}
* src/haeberli/128env: cubical format environment maps
* src/haeberli/128sph: 128x128 spherical environment maps
* src/haeberli/128tex: 128x128 texture maps
* src/haeberli/512sph: 512x512 spherical environment maps
* OpenGL documents:
* OpenGL Specification, 12/21/95
* GLU Specification, 10/93
* GLX Specification, 1/95
* Extensions, 3/28/96
* GLC Specification, 12/95
* OpenGL on Silicon Graphics Systems, 3/96 -- advanced topics
* OpenGL: FROM THE EXTENSIONS TO THE SOLUTIONS Training Course materials,
* GLR, an OpenGL render server facility
* OpenGL Render Serving with GLR
* OpenGL Render Serving "Frequently Asked Questions"
* The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) Programming Interface API Version 3,
February, 1996
* GLUT-based articles from the OpenGL and X Column in The X Journal:
o Column 1: An OpenGL Toolkit, December, 1994
o Column 2: Let there be light!, January/February, 1995
o Column 3: Texture Mapping, March/April, 1995
o Column 4: Blending, Antialiasing, And Fog, May/June, 1995
o Column 5: Extensions To OpenGL, July/August, 1995
o Column 6: Hardware For Accelerating OpenGL, September/October,
o Column 7: Using Open Inventor with GLUT, November/December, 1995
o Column 8: Curves and Surfaces in OpenGL, January/February, 1996
o Column 9: EXIT: A 3D standard for X (finally!), March/April, 1996
* System Support for OpenGL Direct Rendering, September, 1994
* 3-part series on OpenGL and X, from The X Journal:
o Part 1: An Introduction, November/December, 1993
o Part 2: Using OpenGL with Xlib, January/February, 1994
o Part 3: Integrating OpenGL with Motif, July/August, 1994
* X Server Multi-rendering for OpenGL and PEX, 8th X Technical
Conference, January, 1994
* OpenGL Man Pages (from the EXTensions to the SOLutions Training Course)
* Notes on Porting RealityEngine Applications to OpenGL, April 20, 1995
* support for VGX, Personal IRIS, 64-bit, and FORTRAN, 9/19/94
* The Three DSOs Currently (as of 10/94) supporting the OpenGL core
* Implementation Notes for OpenGL Programmers, July, 1994
* OpenGL Widget Man Pages [4]
* OpenGL FAQ
* IrisGL-to-OpenGL mapping of routines
* Proposal for an OpenGL FORTRAN Binding, September, 1994
* How OpenGL differs from IrisGL, May, 1992
* OpenGL: The Graphics Standard, 11/94
* OpenGL and X, A Technical Overview of OpenGL and the X Window System,
* How OpenGL integrates with the X Window System, 1/94
* The OpenGL Graphics Interface, (introduction to OpenGL)
* The Design of OpenGL Graphics Interface, (philosphy and details)
* OpenGL src:
* sample code for IRIX 5.3 extensions + patch154
* lmwrap: demos porting IRIS GL's lmdef() + lmbind() calls to OpenGL
* render2pixmap: OpenGL offscreen rendering example
* contcapt: converted OpenGL version of the VL contcapt program
* 2Dwrap, "before-after" porting example for Iris-to-OpenGL 2d primitives
* defrasterPort: [3] progs use bitmaps for IRIS GL defrasterfont()[1] in
OpenGL[2] or X[3]
* toogl: TO OpenGL IRIS GL(TM) translator
* oat: OpenGL Attribute Tester tests OpenGL functionality on different
* pick: picking prog w/X overlay on top of RGBA, double and
depth-buffered window
* ipaste_ogl: opengl-based version of ipaste
* dinomometer: synthetic modeling benchmark for OpenGL
* textfun: a "poor man's OpenGL Motif(TM) font manager" program
* xmblur: OpenGL Motif motion-blur program
* debugHelper: overrides DSO functions to trace OpenGL program calls
without having to recompile
* xlib: 40 OpenGL and Xlib only example programs, including two
implementing pure-Xlib version of "IrisGL type" pup menu capability
* libGLColorChooser.a: an OpenGL implementation of the SgColorChooser
* glx: 2 implementations of OpenGL GLX extensions
* nurbsTrim: makes a trimmed NURBS surfaces in OpenGL and Inventor
* article src: accompanying src to "OpenGL and X, Part 1/Part 2/Part3," X
Journal articles
* stereo: software-stereo-in-a-window boilerplate examples in OpenGL
* cap: opengl motif-based interference checking demo
* DBglxwidgetOpenGL: Xt/Motif widget for GL/OpenGL rendering, switchable
between single or double buffering
* renderboth: renders with X and OpenGL to the same window using a
standard Motif XmDrawingArea widget as the rendering medium
* example src: LARGE OpenGL tree of src (Xlib-only as well as Motif),
documentation, and articles, isfast (performance measure routines), and
xglinfo (displays info about an X server supporting the OpenGL
extension, especially w.r.t. visuals)
* paul haeberli's universe/image stuff:
* pstools: 25 PostScript Processing Tools combining operations with/on
PostScript files with IRIS GL
* Spec.{html , txt}: definitive doc describing Silicon Graphics image
file format
* imgscr: 26 scripts use imgtools & pstools progs to perform extended
image processing
* imgtools: 218 image processing tools for the IRIS
* GRAPHICA Obscura, Collected Computer Graphics Hacks: w/links to src
* fonttools: 27 progs do operations with/on polygonal outline fonts &
* jpeg: format img de-/compression sw src + support for SG img files
to/from jpeg
* envtools: programs to manipulate environment maps
* vidpan: tools for controlling a Panasonic Video disc recorder
* vidsony: tools to control SONY LVR-5000 Video disc recorder
* mpeg: public domain MPEG video software decoder
* {libimage, libgutil, libcan, libtiff}: complete source
* images: over 63MB of SGI RGB image files + jpg&gif forms
* 128sph: collection of spherical environment map images
* 128tex: collection of small texture map images
* 128env: cubical format environment maps
* gobs of programs in haeberli/{abekas, envtools, impression, objtools,
tools, vidtools}, plus autopaint, compexp, enhance, imp, leep, movie,
mtex, styline, tritest, vidiot, vortest
* ibrowse: extraHEEMEly swank image file browser
* src/apps/opaste: pastes images/text into the overlay/popup planes
* video:
* cineswipe: records [Open]GL app's gfx to movie file w/out touching app
* contcapt: converted OpenGL version of the VL contcapt program
* simpleVideo: library + examples provide video prog'er w/simple
programmatic interface on top of the VL
* seqgrab: VL sequential frame accurate capture source (Galileo
* galileo demo source: galileo.sw.demos video progs src using VL+Motif or
VL+IRIS GL demo'ing special effects like chroma and luma keying, blends
& transitions, and also capturing video frames for painting or putting
onto 3D geometry (Galileo/Indigo▓ Video(TM)/Indy Video)
* vidmap: texture-mapping of video, using Silicon Graphics
movie/video/compression/audio libraries; selection can be a live source
such as IndyCam(TM), other live video sources, or movie file (SGIMF,
QuickTime(TM)), to be texture-mapped to a polygon
* scrollmon: creates realtime scrolling credits (from either anti-aliased
text or Silicon Graphics rgb images) or titles for video production
* SGI DIGITAL VIDEO Specificiation: 1995 version 1.1 including data
format and electrical and mechanical interfaces used to get digital
video data into and out of Silicon Graphics platforms via this 60-pin
* audio:
* Audio and Music Applications for Silicon Graphics Systems documentation
* SGI Desktop Audio Hardware Performance Specifications (Typical),
Indigo▓, Indy, 3/93
* midi: example progs using libmidi.a illustrate basic use of MIDI
* harmonizer: real-time audio pitch bender example program
* sonic: real time audio spatialization example with graphics
* DAT examples: command interface, copying, and DAT checking programs
* reverb: simulated reverberation source code for real-time audio
* ascope: displays the left channel of data coming in from an audio port
* rock: indigo memorial barbeque theme song rapp as constructed and sung
by mr. totally insane(tm) himself
* cd-catalog, music catalog files for CDman(1) & cdplayer(1)
* audio apps: including a generator of a small series of eight
single-cycle waveforms, and progs generating oscillators and waveforms,
loop audio samples change playback rate, mix and pitch, and sends
output to the speaker
* Audio Interchange File Format AIFF-C, A revision to include compressed
audio data
* X:
* rgb2pix turns rgb files into X11 Pixmaps
* Is your X code ready for 64-bit?, 9/95
* What's New with X11R6 for IRIX 6.0 and 5.3, based on X Window System,
Version 11, Release 6 Release Notes with SGI Annotations
* The Past, Present, and Future of Window Systems at Silicon Graphics,
* cursor: two programs -- one using "Font," the other "Pixmap"
* font: two programs, one working with glyphs, the other doing scalable
* paper and src: discusses/demos implementation of a 3-color cursor in X
* XtAppInitwIcon: src similiar to XtAppInitialize but enables app to
generate icon window for top-level shell that generates multicolored (>
2) icons
* X perf: information/documentation pertinent to X and system performance
issues includes an SGI internal paper on "Motif Performance Notes"
* papers on SGI's Xserver:
o Going Beyond the MIT Sample Server: The Silicon Graphics X11
o Programming X Overlay Windows, explains Silicon Graphics
SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS usage convention to portably create X
windows in the overlay planes
o A Fully Functional Implementation of Layered Windows, explains
semantic basis for Silicon Graphics current X server support for
layered windows
o X Server Multi-rendering for OpenGL and PEX
* X11R5 Input Extension Library PostScript files:
o X11 Input Extension Library Specification
o X11 Input Extension Porting Document
o "Appendix A, Input Extension Protocol Encoding"
o X11 Input Extension Protocol Specification
* hardware:
* IRIX 6.2 version of IRIX(TM) Device Driver Programming Guide, 3/96
* IRIX 5.3 version of IRIX(TM) Device Driver Programming Guide, 1994
* Software Solutions to EISA Hang Problems
* 5.3 Summagraphics tablet driver + "using X input/config files" info
* IRIX 5.3 Comtrol Hostess 550 Serial Port Board EISA/ISA driver
* dat.kernel: contains a sample SCSI kernel-level driver
* Hardware Developers Handbook: Version 1.0, contains most comprehensive
compilation of Silicon Graphics hardware information ever assembled in
one document
* dat.kernel, sample SCSI kernel-level DAT driver controls DAT tape drive
* dat: User-Level SCSI DAT driver, example of how to use the devscsi
* rap: Roland RAP-10 ISA driver - an example of how to do DMA on the EISA
* DevDriver: pre-IRIX 5.3 inst images of IRIX Device Driver Programming
Guide and Reference Pages
* cdmount/mountMO: allows joe user (doesn't have to be root) to mount
either a CDROM or a Magneto-Optic (MO) drive on a Silicon Graphics
* parallel port: example of how to program for the parallel port
* monitor calibration: information on how to calibrate the Sony monitors
* FAQ: expanded Silicon Graphics Hardware FAQ including a list of Q&As
culled from the last 1,800 messages (as of late 10/93) to
* GIO: files describing how to write a device driver for a GIO board on
an IRIX 5 system software platform and IRIX 4.0.5
* VME: VME interface document for the Personal IRIS, 4D100-4D400 series
machines and Crimsons (does NOT cover IO4 board)
* network:
* Scalability in the XFS File System, 1/96
* XFS Data Sheet and Technical Specificationss
* Internet Request For Comments RFC & FYI archives, contains open
standards used on the Internet today, + doc on virtually every aspect
of the Internet, since its inception, up throught rfc1918 (current up
to 2/29/96)
* HIPPI Performance on IRIX 5.2 white paper, + 2 accompanying source
* "Establishing a PPP connection using IRIX PPP" paper
* "SLIP Installation and Configuration Guide" paper
* Asynchronous Transfer Mode: Implementations for 1994 PostScript
* xconfr: a TCP->UDP xconf router so people can use it over the Internet
* pcnfsd: PC-NFS(TM) daemon providing authentication and print spooling
services access from one's PC to IRIX when used with Sun's PC-NFS
* short_timer: checks if remote host responds quickly, avoiding long wait
for network timeout
* rpcdemo: rpcdemo and printout link-level address of e-net or FDDI
* xconf: X-based local area network conferencing program
* WWW:
* 20-or-so Java applets, a collection of java snippet code, and
* Hypertext Markup Language 2.0 Specification, 9/95
* mostools, mr. totally insane(TM)'s Image Production for the Web tools
* CGI docs & tutorial, + viewable copies of DT CGI-script files
* The cgi-bin directory of scripts used in/by the DT
o A Beginner's Guide to HTML
o HTML Quick Reference
o HTML, the complete-ish guide
* Building an Internet Firewall document
* NCSA's httpd server documentation, version 1.3
* A Beginner's Guide to URLs
* World Wide Web FAQ (1/23/95)
* WWW contains URL's pertaining to HTML/CGI/WWW tutorials, examples
* Performer:
* Performer 2.0 Class Source Code, 3/96
* pfview, a performer 2.0 viewer using OGL/RapidApp/ViewKit
* IRIS Performer 2.0 Technical Report, API, Technical Information and
Release Notes.
* Perl Patterns (1996) and Perl 5 documentation
* IRIX 6.2-built perl5, v5 patchlevel 001m
* IRIX 5.3-built perl5, v5 patchlevel 001m
* MAC:
* UNIX Tools For Former MAC Developers, 1996
* General IRIX/C/CC:
* Caching and Locality (11/94) discusses issues surrounding computer
* "The Paging Game," very old but a useful way of thinking about memory
* IRIS Periodic tables for Workstation/Client, Challenge Server, Onyx
Family, Power Challenge
* context -- getting and setting user context within a process program
* fileLocking -- local and remote file locking programs
* sockets -- introduction to sockets with a client and a server program
* wrapper, a C wrapper around a C++ class
* Installing and Running IRIX on a Drive Other Than Drive 1
* load_avg: src to obtain the current system load average
* IRIX Operating System Periodic Table, 11/94
* file describing colormap usage differences between 5.1* and 5.2
* list of 5.2 IRIX patches, information current as of 7/20/94
* irix src: tree with shell scripts, UUCP vadmin tool, irix/system-level
* playEngine: sproc/semaphore src can raise sub-process's priority to
circumvent preemption
* C/C++/Make: docs directory on c++-rules.ps, C++ Exception Handling,
Silicon Graphics Inc, Common Makefile include files, Notes, Silicon
Graphics Makefile Conventions, and cpp/csh/make/pmake quick references
* irix5.2 + Products Info directory includes:
o 2 files on HIPPI: New Product Bulletin + QnA's
o question-and-answer on the Indigo Magic User Environment Interface
o major changes between the 4.X and 5.2 versions of the Installation
o IRIS Media Libraries New Product Information on dmedia_dev and
o Software Compatibility Matrix for software product numbers and
software releases from 4.0.1 to 5.2
o Field Information Bulletin #414 documenting known bug: "Indigo▓
XZ/Extreme(TM) stipple register causes graphics problems on IRIX
o guidelines for the use of the /usr/share filesystem
* IRIX 5.3:
* Documentation Catalog for IRIX 5.3 with accompanying "Manuals Summary"
* IRIX 5.3 Manuals Listing with accompanying "Manuals Summary"
* IRIX 5.3 Technical Publications BOM listing
* REACT(TM) in IRIX 5.3 Technical Report for real-time extensions to IRIX
* Using Asynchronous I/O and Direct I/O in IRIX 5.X
* New Product Information for IRIX 5.3 data sheet and white paper
* Open Inventor:
* ivIndpTri: tesselation utility for Inventor scene graphs which
implements an Independent Triangle Class
* Spaceball: modified src from inventor_dev.src.sample handles Spaceball
input device
* DirectManipRevoSurf: OpenIV prog uses draggers for direct manipulation
of a surface of revolution (with its own run-time DSO)
* DirectManipTrackLight: Open Inventor files demo interactive direct
manipulation of a Track Light
* models: sample OpenIV files demo use of draggers+engines in
"self-manip'ing" examps
* lab: Open Inventor lab source plus solutions
* 38-page showcase presentation on "Open Inventor 3d Toolkit"
* noodle: an easy-to-use 3D object-modeler rich in using Open Inventor
* How to Write an Open Inventor File Translator
* Open Inventor Nodes Quick Reference Guide
* sharedSV: shared scene viewer lets multiple users on the net
view/change same iv file
* soundspheres: a very primitive spacial audio program in Open Inventor
* DxfToIv: binary/man page, converts AutoCad's DXF format files to IV
* speech recognition:
* 1995 inst images of SGI's Speech Recognition Project
* lackey: speech aware app launcher developed using Silicon Graphics
speech recog software. An intro to using speech API and architecture of
the speech software system
* binary utilities: to enhance one's speech run-time environment
* examples: basic speech recognition example programs
* software tools:
* DSOsecurity: DSO Function Authentication demos protecting DSO calls
from interception or replacement
* libdmalloc: debugging malloc lib useful for finding memory corruption,
uses DSOs to plug in a different malloc library
* Dwarf: src + doc files for DWARF, a binary debugging-information-format
* Delta C++: The Silicon Graphics Delta C++ Compiler White Paper,
(Preliminary, 18 pgs), new C++ compiler supports C++ shared lib
evolution and speeds up build process
* syms: script lists exported functions in libs, and as "undef" to ensure
all unresolved symbols are accounted for
* inst: one-stop-shop Silicon Graphics software directory at top-of-tree
with links to all Silicon Graphics DT inst-images
* crpt: script that generates a kernel core file report
* MMmalloc: a new libmalloc, faster, better memory utilization with
* technical review of The Annotated ANSI C Standard + ANSI C rationale
* DSO subtree: 1993 forum slides + 8 case studies + example program
demonstrating implementation and use of a DSO
* Compilers "Question-and-Answer" file snarfed from
external/internal-to-Silicon Graphics news groups
* traceback: two progs providing alternate implementations of a function
printing a stack traceback of the calling program
* gencall: generates a high-level programming interface to the MIPS«
calling convention on Silicon Graphics machines
* dbcopy: a faster version of the memory copy routines than is found in
libc in 5.1 and before
* trubasic: the True BASIC programming language with a 250-line limit on
progs which can be run with little or no modification on Macs and PCs
* 64-bit documents in PostScript:
o Preparing for the 64 bit Future of IRIX
o Native 64-bit Subprogram Interface for MIPS Architectures
o 64-bit C Porting Guide
o 64-bit C and Fortran variable sizes file
* Silicon Studio(TM):
* Creative Destinations, Silicon Studio(TM) Training Centers describes
eight locations in Europe and North America and what they each offer
* Silicon Studio(TM) Technical Report covering video and compression
products including Gailieo Video, Indy(TM) Video, Indigo▓ Video, Cosmo
Compress(TM), and Sirius Video(TM)
* The Silicon Studio for Publishing Environment from Silicon Graphics
* printers:
* May, 1994 list of ALL printers and scanners supported by Silicon
Graphics w/notes including which are supported by Impressario
* lpr: a script enabling default lp printing to be dumped to lpr(1)
* ps_fonts: programs check whether PS device allows printing of all
* FAQs:
* Frequently Asked Questions--13 Silicon Graphics specific, 29
general--file listings in subtree at top-of-tree
* games:
* IndiZone games binaries: blackbox, pods, and sb (Space Boulders), and
Tom Benoist's classic solitaire game, klondike
* source for three IndiZone I games: portfolio, and sw (Spacewar)
* IndiZone II games source code: blix, cycles, gold, tagh, vroom
* source for Silicon Graphics classic "buzzwordBingo," cubetris, and
seahaven games
* exampleCode:
* smoke: Texture Mapped `smoke' special F/X implementation +
* stereo: src for 5.2 IRIS GL software-stereo-in-a-window or "SoftStereo"
* I18N: examples of internationalization and localization with
implementation of wide characters for string manipulation & XPG/3 and
MNLS message cataloging
* Inventor: src/documentation/data files and full-function scientific
calculator plus additional Inventor Nodes and audio and Inventor
* buffer: GLX mixed model Motif double-buffered overlay program
* texvol: performs volume rendering using 2D or 3D textures
* littleRedCap: an Xlib GLX mixed model interface checking and capping
* GLX: example implementations of (4.0) mixed model programming
* dualhead: GLX example code illustrates basics of writing code taking
advantage of multiple screens
* SciTex: a paper and example code describing Texture Mapping in
Technical, Scientific and Engineering Visualization
* gameOfLife: example implementation using the stencil planes
* fconv: Motif-based numeric format conversion utility for hex, octal and
decimal equivalents
* 3Dmodeling: routines (and example programs) to help build solid models
* cap: IRIS GL demo of a technique to "cap" clipped (cut-away) solid
* calc: IRIS GL implementation of a Reverse Polish Notation calculator
* swirl: IRIS GL texture generator program for texture maps
* csg: example src and paper on constructive solid geometry
* outline and stencil: programs implementing drawing in the stencil
* demos:
* source code for 47 SGI demos:
o OpenGL based: atlantis, backtrace, drip, fadeflip, globe,
glutduck, ideas, insect, lorenz, puzzle, stonehenge, tex_cube,
o IRIX 4 GLX-based video: specialfx, vidtmesh, vidpaint, trails,
o general IRIS GL: atlantis, bounce, buttonfly, closeup, curve,
demograph, dragon, flight, flip, ideas, logo, newave, newton,
rotimg, snoop, snurb
o VGX-intended: blob, envmap, morph, shadows
o audio: amesh, bz, drive, synthia
o RealityEngine intended: atom, distort, fastshadows, and weather
* binaries:
* fsn -- File System Navigator now reads relative paths Check out fsn as
an alternative to visually scanning the Toolbox tree
* inout+backat: groupware progs establish an In/Out board on a local
* tiepoint: demos use of Control|Tie points to determine coefficients of
a polynomial warping function
* Multi Processor implementations:
* MP: subtree for parallel programming applications issues, includes how
to combine mips1 & mips2 objects into a single mips1/2 executable thru
a jump table implementation, and a using a high resolution timer of the
io3 board on an r4k-based Silicon Graphics system
AND, other TOP-OF-TREE ASCII text information files besides this one:
ALL DTa-z* files have a .html form superior to the following;
the .txt format is included for access-versatility.
DTa-zAudio.txt: DT sound files listed by directory
DTa-zDocs.txt: documents listed by title
DTa-zIV.txt: Inventor .iv data files listed by directory
DTa-zImgsGIF.txt: gif images (so many, so listed separately)
DTa-zImgsJPG.txt: jpg images (so many, so listed separately)
DTa-zImgsRGB.txt: rgb images (so many, so listed separately)
DTa-zImgsTIF.txt: tif images (so many, so listed separately)
DTa-zImgHaeb.txt: images in src/haeberli listing (info "richer")
DTa-zInst.txt: inst images listed by directory
DTa-zLibs.txt: library archives and DSOs listed alphabetically
DTa-zSrc.txt: DT binaries listed alfabetically w/path-location
DThelp.txt: Help topics relevant to the operation of the v6.1 CD
README: this file in boring ascii text form
Makefile.README: IRIX 5 gotcha's as far as MAKE(1) is concerned
README.Inventor: how to compile with Open Inventor 2.0 and
Inventor 1.1.2 libs + hdrs on the same machine
sifttree.README: how to do multiple keyword/filename searches
After sampling the software, you may want to copy some or all of
the code from the CDROM to your workstation. Although you may copy
the software to any disk with enough space, it is intended to be
copied into the "/usr/people/4Dgifts/toolbox" directory. Local
Makefiles are provided for all source code.
Total size of the v6.1 DT is approximately 614+ megabytes on CD 0,
596+ megabytes on the CD 1, and 594+ megabytes on CD 2.
Please find below the contents of the viewDT helpfile
(/CDROM/bin/helpfile) and the dtCDmgr internal helpfile as of
September 25, 1996. The helpfile available via the "Help" button
in the viewDT window will be more current than this version.
start of viewDT helpfile (/CDROM/bin/helpfile)
The purpose of this "help" file is to provide information about
initiating viewing of the v6.1 CD form of the Developer Toolbox.
Areas discussed are:
0) if your CDROM drive is not mounted as /CDROM
1) location of Developer Toolbox "help" documentation
2) prerequisites to satisfy before starting any viewing
3) how to do the viewing
4) essential information about the viewing process
5) files placed on your workstation while running viewDT
0) if your CDROM drive is not mounted as /CDROM
Throughout this document we presume you have the DT CD
mounted as /CDROM. Some sites will choose to mount the CDROM
drive elsewhere, or will have more than one CDROM drive. You
will need to know what your system's directory name is, if it
is other than /CDROM, and employ it accordingly in your use
of these instructions. The most direct way to ascertain under
what directory name the CDROM device is mounted as is to run
the following command in a shell window:
% more /etc/fsd.tab
For example, the /etc/fsd.tab file of the system on which
these notes were written contains the following:
/dev/dsk/dks0d4s7 /CDROM efs ro,sock=/tmp/.mediadXXXXXX 0 0
/dev/rmt/tps0d5nr /tape archive opts=NA,sock=/tmp/.mediadXXXXXX 0 0
If you don't see the string "CDROM," the most commonly
employed alternative name is "cdrom." You will need to
substitute our use of "CDROM" in command sequences below,
with whatever your system is using as "CDROM".
1) location of Developer Toolbox "help" documentation
A printed version of this file is the actual liner notes of
the Developer Toolbox CDs. It is the oldest and most out of
date version of the information. The CDs have the next most
current version of this file. It is on all DT CDs in
/CDROM/bin/helpfile. Also on each CD, is a superset of this
file that describes this and other helpful information
regarding use of the Toolbox. It is located via the Help
button (with the image of a hawk) on the TOP/HUB entry page
of the Toolbox (a text only version of this
/CDROM/toolbox/DThelp.html file is to be found in
/CDROM/toolbox/DThelp.txt). As is typical, the CD version of
this file is a snapshot of the live one found via the
https://www.sgi.com/toolbox/ secure web house URL. Don't
confuse the Help pull-down menu in the upper-right corner of
the Netscape browser window, with our "Help" icon button. The
browser pull-down menu will take you to information about
Netscape itself.
2) prerequisites to satisfy before starting any viewing
There are some prequisites you will want to ensure are
satisfied before you attempt to view anything on the
Developer Toolbox. There are two versions of the following
information: one for people on a system running IRIX 6.2, and
the other for people running IRIX 5.3 (or anything else prior
to IRIX 6.2).
A. For people running viewDT on an IRIX 6.2 system:
i. Make sure you have all the Netscape helper programs
You can verify you have IRIX 6.2-released versions of
the following subsystems containing the necessary
netscape helper apps by running the versions command and
comparing the described version numbers to the
+ showcase -- IRIS Showcase 3.4
+ inventor_eoe -- Inventor Execution Only
Environment, 2.1.2
+ imgtools -- ImageVision Tools, 3.0
+ il_eoe -- ImageVision Library Execution Only
Environment, 2.5.1
+ dmedia_eoe -- IRIS Digital Media Execution
Environment, 6.2
+ dps_eoe -- Display PostScript/X, 2.0.5 based on
PostScript Level 2
This subsystem is not needed for people who use
something other than xpsview(1) to view PostScript
files on their system. You can arrange to use a
different PostScript viewer via your personal
$HOME/.mailcap file and an appropriate substitute
helper program (e.g. ghostview).
It is worth mentioning that if you do not have your
own $HOME/.mailcap and/or $HOME/.mime.types files,
versions of these will be created for you.
$HOME/.mime.types is used to augment the global
default definitions
(/usr/local/lib/netscape/mime.types) of the file
extensions which correspond to a particular mime
type. $HOME/.mailcap is used to augment the global
default definitions
(/usr/local/lib/netscape/mailcap) of the mime types
which correspond to a particular helper
application. There will be some Toolbox-specific
definitions added to both of these files to help
support the viewing of Developer Toolbox content.
B. For people running viewDT on an IRIX 5.3 (i.e. a non IRIX
6.2) system.
i. Make sure you have all the Netscape helper programs
(Available on the Descktop Special Edition (DSE) 1.1 CD)
You can verify you have sufficiently current versions of
the following subsystems containing the necessary
netscape helper apps by running the versions command and
comparing the described version numbers to the
+ showcase -- IRIS Showcase 3.3.3
+ inventor_eoe -- Inventor Execution Only
Environment, 2.1.1
+ imgtools -- ImageVision Tools, 2.3
+ il_eoe -- ImageVision Library Execution Only
Environment, 2.5
+ dmedia_tools -- IRIS Digital Media Tools, 5.5
+ dmedia_eoe -- IRIS Digital Media Execution
Environment, 5.5
If you do not have the above subsystems loaded, you can
find them on the DSE 1.1 CD, the second CD included in
the v5.1 DT. It contains all the inst images needed to
satisfy the above prerequisites.
If you do not have the v5.1 DT, look for a copy of the
DSE 1.1 CD with your collection of IRIX 5.3 CDs. If it
is not there, you can also access the DSE 1.1 contents
at https://www.sgi.com/toolbox/DSE1.1/. If you are
unable to do this, contact the Developer Program at
devprogram@sgi.com, or on the phone either via
1-800/770-3033, or 415/933-3033, or by fax via
415/969-6327, and tell them you need a copy of the DSE
1.1 CD sent to you through the post.
ii. Make sure you have all the appropriate patches
Not all subsystems in these patches will install -- you
will only be allowed to install subsystems corresponding
to base software already installed. In other words,
always attempt to install the entire patch and don't be
alarmed about the parts which do not install.
Some of the patch locations mentioned below also contain
a recommended patch list. It is helpful to know your
hardware and O.S. level in order to install the
recommended patches. We are working to have this
information included in the toolbox. We do have an
abbreviated list below of seven key patches for IRIX
5.3, current as of August 14, 1996. All of them are
replacements of similar IRIX 5.3 patches recommended in
the v5.1 DT. These patches are also available on the
toolbox in /toolbox/dist/5.3/patches/
Patch 1412 - IRIX 5.3 Networking Rollup Patch
3MBs 8/13/96
Patch 1268 - 5.3/5.3xfs combined kernel rollup patch
8MBs 6/6/96
Patch 1264 - XFS rollup patch for 5.3
30MBs 5/1/96
Patch 1102 - NFS roll up
2MBs 4/3/96
Patch 1095 - Scrolled Window patch
2MBs 1/19/96
X server roll up Choose at most one of the following
Patch 1187 - excluding Impact graphics (for
non-Impact systems)
14MBs 3/22/96
Patch 1271 - only for Impact graphics (for Impact
2MBs 5/1/96
For those people with support contracts these patches
are available in the Support Folio quarterly release
CDs, and also inside Silicon Surf's SurfZone (to
register, go to http://www.sgi.com/Misc/zone.html), in
Supportfolio Online's "Silicon Graphics's support
patches on the web" entry page.
iii. Possible Inst Warning Messages and Conflicts:
There are two different types of warning messages you
might see which are benign. When you run the inst
command "keep Same" as part of the prerequisite install
sequence, you might see the warning message "No matches
were found." You can safely ignore it.
After running the inst command "go," you might see some
conflicts concerning subsystems not presently installed
on your system. These should offer a single resolution
to the conflict. The choice will be to not install a
particular patch subsystem. It is quite safe to select
this single choice resolution to the conflict.
Rhere is one error condition which might occur which
will require some work on your part. In a shell window,
run the command "versions tooltalk_eoe". If you see the
subsystems "tooltalk_eoe.sw.links" and
"tooltalk_eoe.sw.runtime" listed, there is nothing more
to do. Otherwise, before performing the prerequisite
install sequence, you must locate your "IRIX 5.3" CD and
install the two tooltalk_eoe subsytems mentioned above.
If for some reason you are unable to install these
subsytems, then you will be unable to view the only two
movies which are present on the Developer Toolbox v6.1
iv. A PostScript Viewing Issue:
You will have nothing more to do, if you have already
installed the 5.3 subsystem, dps_eoe.sw.dps, which
provides the Netscape viewer application xpsview.
Without this subsystem you will not be able to view
PostScript files on the Developer Toolbox. Of course,
you can arrange to use a different viewing program via
your personal $HOME/.mailcap file and an appropriate
substitute helper program.
It is worth mentioning that if you do not have your own
$HOME/.mailcap and/or $HOME/.mime.types files, versions
of these will be created for you. $HOME/.mime.types is
used to augment the global default definitions
(/usr/local/lib/netscape/mime.types) of the file
extensions which correspond to a particular mime type.
$HOME/.mailcap is used to augment the global default
definitions (/usr/local/lib/netscape/mailcap) of the
mime types which correspond to a particular helper
application. There will be some Toolbox-specific
definitions added to both of these files to help support
the viewing of Developer Toolbox content.
3) how to do the viewing
To view the Developer Toolbox, simply type the following
% /CDROM/bin/viewDT
Move the cursor into the Toolbox window which pops up. Now
press the "Enter" key on your keyboard. This command will
copy about 10 megabytes of Developer Toolbox viewing
utilities to your local disk, if they have not already been
placed there by a previous viewDT session. The Developer
Toolbox viewing utilities will be upgraded with a newer
version, if one is found on the CD. Specifically, to the
directory /usr/tmp, unless the environment variable TMPDIR is
defined. The next time you run, the command will not need to
recopy this data. Although we recommend you keep this data
local, you can elect to have it removed by running the
command "viewDT -r" rather than "viewDT". If you would prefer
to have the 10 Meg stored in a different directory you can
also do this by running the command "viewDT -f
<new_directory>" instead of "viewDT"
There are several modes in which viewDT can be run:
viewDT [-r] [-f tmp_dir] [-C CD_dir]
This is the standard mode outlined above, with one
exception. The -C option allows viewDT to be run from
the DT_utilities directory rather than from a DT CD. In
fact, the -C option must be used when running from the
DT_utilities directory. You might need to do this when
using a more advanced version of the DT_utilities with
an older CD version of the Developer Toolbox. Such a
condition does not currently exist.
viewDT -u [-f tmp_dir]
This version of the command is used to just create the
DT_utilities directory. It is most often used as one of
the steps used to install a fixDT patch for a particular
DT CD. The -f option is only needed when the
DT_utilities directory should be placed in a particular
viewDT -R [-f tmp_dir]
This version of the command is used to just remove the
DT_utilities directory. The -f option is only needed
when the DT_utilities directory exists in a non-standard
4) essential information about the viewing process
There is some essential information which will help you
manage your workstation resources and your time as you view
and use the Developer Toolbox CD.
o First off, activating the "Help" button produces this
help file, which you probably already know since you are
reading this.
o You may see a Netscape "Question" window informing you
of a Netscape lock file. You will see this if you have
Netscape running in another window. If you do not care
if you will be unable to save bookmarks and other
history in this new window then just click "OK".
Otherwise, click "Cancel", close the other Netscape
window and reselect "View".
o If you are not connected to the Web and the Internet,
then there are a number of Toolbox features you will not
be able to access. Specifically, Web references to
places outside of the Developer Toolbox CD and the
pheedback mechanism.
o The first time you access or follow a link to a place
not on the current CD, the utility dtCDmgr will be run.
It will allow you to specify how to mount the needed CD
and any other CDs which will also be needed. The
helpfile for dtCDmgr appears below.
o When the Toolbox window is present, it shows the server
status of both the "http" server, the web server, as
well as the "oksvr" server, the server for the search
engine. It takes time for the two servers to be started.
o There are a separate pair of servers created for each
user viewing the CD. It is literally your own personal
web site. You may want to keep these servers running if
you plan to periodically access the Toolbox. The way to
do this is to not "Quit" from the Toolbox window, but
simply leave the window running on your console either
in its opened form or stowed as an icon.
o Activating the "View" button for the first time starts
up the httpd and oksvr servers and then starts up
netscape. Upon exiting the Netscape window, the little
Toolbox window returns to your console screen.
Subsequent activations of the "View" button simply
invokes netscape again, since the two servers are
already running.
o When you have quit/exited from the Netscape window, and
the little Toolbox window has returned, you will see the
"running" status of the two servers displayed and their
respective port numbers.
o Netscape is fairly consumptive of memory, so you may
want to exit from netscape, leaving the servers running.
Unlike netscape, the servers consume very little memory.
The binary filename for the http server is
"dt_httpd.exe". The binary filename for the oksvr server
is "dt_oksvr". These have both been renamed to avoid
confusion with any httpd/oksvr executables already
running on your system. A helpful way to see how much
memory netscape is currently using is with the gmemsuage
program, the graphical memory usage display tool
included on the DT.
5) files placed on your workstation while running viewDT
Files are placed on your workstation to support the running
of the two servers.
If you don't already have $HOME/.netscape-preferences,
$HOME/.mime.types, and/or $HOME/.mailcap files, then
instances will be created for you. You are likely to already
have these files if you run Netscape or some other web
viewer. These three files are the only files created by
viewDT which persist after you quit from it. Additionally,
the files $HOME/.mime.types and $HOME/.mailcap have some
lines needed to correctly view certain types of files on the
Toolbox. In both files you will see a comment line of the
form "#--TOOLBOX_Compliant_File----". Please do not remove
these lines. They mark your files as having the necessary
definitions present. Just after this line will be the
definitions bounded by comment lines of the form
In the $HOME directory, you will find the file .dtcdresource.
It contains a list of the CDROM drives and/or directories
where dtCDmgr has been directed to find DT CDs. This file is
used to save the user from re-specifying these locations
every time viewDT is invoked.
In the /tmp directory, you will find two files (described
below) for each user. These files only exist while the viewDT
is running. The <n> at the end of their file name,
corresponds to the port number of the httpd server for those
files. For instance, .cdlocation_8080 corresponds to the
mount point of the CDROM for the httpd server listening to
port 8080.
In the /tmp directory, you may find the directory .portlock.
It is used when searching for free ports from which to run
the httpd and oksvr. There is the possibility an unexpected
error will fail to remove this directory, which must then be
removed manually.
o .cdlocation_<n> - which defines the mount point of the
o .userhome_<n> - which defines the absolute path location
of your $HOME directory.
The $HOME/.www directory is a transitory directory. It only
exists while viewDT is running. In it, you will find several
files and directories:
o .DT_DocRootFile - a file used by Developer Toolbox
cgi-bin scripts to point to the Developer Toolbox
document root. In our case, it points to
o .DT_OksvrRoot - a file used by Developer Toolbox cgi-bin
scripts to point to the Developer Toolbox searchtools
directory. In our case, it points to
o cgi-bin - a link to the Toolbox cgi-bin directory
o conf - the directory of configuration files for your
Toolbox web-on-a-CD.
o htdocs - the Document Root of your Toolbox web-on-a-CD.
o icons - a link to the directory <DT_utilities>/icons/
. It is the directory of the standard X bitmap icons.
o logs - log directory of your Toolbox web-on-a-CD.
It contains the access_log, agent_log, error_log, and
referer_log log files. It also contains the port numbers
of the httpd server and the oksvr server in the
httpd.port and oksrv.port files. It contains the process
ID of the httpd server in the httpd.pid file.
end of viewDT helpfile (/CDROM/bin/helpfile)
start of dtCDmgr helpfile
How to use the Developer Toolbox
Distributed CDROM Resource Manager
To EJECT Your Currently Loaded CD:
1. press LEFTMOUSE on the CD listed in the body of the dtCDmgr window (to
select it)
2. press the "Eject" button (second from left at bottom of window)
NOTE: If the eject fails you will have to do the following:
o In a shell window, become super user ("su -")
o Run the command "umount -k <device>", where <device> is the drive
you want to eject (e.g. execute "umount -k /CDROM" to free up the
CDROM drive device). Be aware: this will kill any processes using
this device. As long as this is only the DT, you'll be OK.
o After running umount, repeat step 2 (the single-line) above, and
3. replace the CD with the one for which you are being prompted
4. make sure the same CD device is selected (press LEFTMOUSE if necessary)
5. in the "Edit" pull-down menu, choose the "Refresh" menu item
6. press the "Done" button (button at bottom right-corner of window).
dtCDmgr orientation
You probably started up this utility, dtCDmgr, by trying to go to an
unmounted link. This is the most typical way to start it. You can also start
dtCDmgr by hand in the same way you started up viewDT, but viewDT must
already be running before you invoke dtCDmgr. For instance, if you started
viewDT by typing "/CDROM/bin/viewDT", you can then start dtCDmgr after
viewDT is already running by typing "/CDROM/bin/dtCDmgr".
Use the dtCDmgr utility to manage local and remote CDROMs for your Developer
Toolbox CD datasets. For example, you can load the first CD in your local
CDROM drive and the second and third CDs in remote drives. Use the "Add..."
button to add local and remote CDROM mount points (paths) that you use to
access the other CDs and the information on them.
NOTE: If you only have one CDROM drive, you must first eject your currently
loaded CD and then insert the CD for which you are being prompted. To do
this, select the CD shown in the dtCDmgr window with LEFTMOUSE. This will
make the Eject button come alive. Press Eject and then switch CDs. Then
using the Edit pull-down menu, select "Refresh" to have the dtCDmgr
recognize the CD you have inserted. The final step then is to press the
"Done" button.
NOTE: Automount must be running in order to access remote-mounted CDROMs. If
you are not familiar with this, see the AUTOMOUNT(1M) man page for more
The remote CDROM paths are specified as follows:
hosts is the actual name of the subdirectory in the root directory
hostname is the name of the remote machine
cddirname is the path of a mounted CDROM
for example, /hosts/rocinante.engr/CDROM
Important Files
$(HOME)/.www_6.1 is the temporary directory used by the viewDT command.
$(HOME)/.dtcdresource contains the pathnames of the local and remote CDROMs
you configure and from which the dtCDmgr utility reads.
User Interface
Using the Display Region
The display region is the bulk of the dtCDmgr window listing the
currently mounted CD(s). For example if you started by loading CD 0 in
your local CDROM drive, you will see one line in the dtCDmgr display
region that reads,
[purple CDicon image] Developer Toolbox v6.1, CD 0 (/CDROM/)
To select an entry from the display region, use the left mouse button
to click on it. Clicking on the line a second time will deselect it.
Selected entries are highlighted in dark red. See "Using the Pull-Down
Menus" section below for a descrition of the operations possible to
perform on selected entries.
The display region in the center of the dtCDmgr utility lists the CD(s)
and CDROM-drive(s) currently know to the dtCDmgr. Entries consist of a
CD icon, a CD title, and a pathname. The CD title will only appear if
the pathname points to a recognized mounted SGI CD.
There are four distinct CD icons:
o A filled icon represents a CDROM that is loaded.
o An unfilled icon represents an empty CDROM drive.
o A purple filled icon means it is a recognized SGI CD.
o A circle with a lightning bolt represents an invalid path.
Using the Buttons
There are four different buttons appearing at the bottom of the GUI:
Add... To add a absolute pathname for a CDROM.
The CD title is read from the CD. Do not attempt to add
Eject To eject the selected entry or entries.
Cancel To quit without updating the resource file.
Done To update the resource file and quit.
Using the Pull-Down Menus
o To update the resource file and quit, choose "Exit" from the File
pull-down menu (this has the same effect as using the "Done"
o To remove selected entries from the display region, choose "Delete
Selected" from the Edit pull-down menu.
o To modify a selected entry, choose "Edit Selected..." from the
Edit pull-down menu.
o To update the status of all currently mounted CDs, choose
"Refresh" from the Edit pull-down menu.
If a CDROM device is busy, you cannot eject a CD. Make sure no other program
is using a file on the CDROM. For instance, one might be editing a file of
the CD, or running a program from the CD, etc. Also, in any shell or dirview
window, do not let your current working directory be any directory under
/CDROM. If you cannot eject a CD using the dtCDmgr utility, try a hardware
eject (pressing the eject button on the CDROM drive), or use the fuser(1M)
command, for example:
fuser -cu /CDROM
to find out who else is using the CD. Note the state change of the desktop
CDROM icon, when you load or eject a CD.
end of dtCDmgr helpfile
janitors's corner:
this one is going through a particularly bad case of "notimeitis", the
diagnosis otherwise known as the "i'm too bizi" dis-ease. with numbness in
the right arm from too much typing, a.k.a. Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI),
and a ruptured extensor tendon in the left hand's middle finger's outermost
knuckle, the past months have included the beginnings of attempts to learn
how to type differently (for the numbness) and the wisdom of the body
stepping in to regain a missing sense of proportion the mind can so oft be
led astray by.
the major efforts during the period while we endeavored to create v6.1
was preparing and presenting our toolbox talks at the forum, updating swank
from 5.3 to 6.2 and then getting everything we could working again by this
august, as well as documenting what we did, strengthening and extending the
integrity of the DT serving process, implementing as much of our
automated-nightly-build mechanism as possible which entails re-imaging the
internal, external, or CD image trees of the toolbox, re-indexing them and
testing the integrity of links, and lastly providing support for the sgi
commerce web server, https://www.sgi.com/. where we could grab extra time we
collected and integrated new and updated content for the DT.
we're very pleezed to have Carsten Koch's CDio Gold Medal software for
reading and writing audio, efs and iso9660 CD formats. the ReadCD and
WriteCDR programs add greatly to the DT CD manipulation tools. we had hoped
to have a much more articulated and explicit message at this juncture
expressing our interest and desire to promote collaboration between
ourselves and all of you of which the contribution Carsten has made is the
most stellar current example. we asked about the level of interest in this
in the "Your Introduction to the Toolbox" labs at the forum and were pleased
with the enthusiastic responses. the example of gdiff(1) was mentioned: to
provide the source on the DT -- since it no longer has an owner in
engineering and is in fact no longer included on IRIX 6.2 (now replaced with
xdiff) -- so anyone could take and enhance it with the numerous extensions
and enhancements it could adopt, then send the changes back to us to
incorporate into the DT and make this available to everyone else; repeat,
repeat, repeat, ... obviously this can become a very powerful way to extend
what we as the janitors can provide on the DT. (unfortunately, it is with
great regret that, due to historical constraints, we cannot include gdiff's
source on the DT.) yet one more thing we wanted to do but haven't been able
to make the time for. see our 18 month out revised-since-the-forum
TODO-wish-list schedule to get a better sense of all we would like to
it's never felt as "backed-up" as this. a dear friend, who created the
incredibly unique "i on Visual Computing" (http://www.sgi.com/ion/ -- see
the excellent Mouse Mauls Man!, fall'95, vol #3, ion article on RSI with
links to online informational resources) was talking about the pace of
things: "but you've been doing this for over 10 years -- you're used to it
-- i've only been in this industry for a year and a half and it's unreal."
to which i replied, "but it's only been this way since the web kicked in.
never has there been as much to do to keep things going, to keep things
`current'". the urge within to do the very best possible while at the same
time not becoming thrall to the machine at the expense of living has never
been more challenging. this one's own web haus at http://www.ratical.com/
has been "on ice" since mid june. leaving that ground fallow has been very
disheartening. our culture's worship of the intellect, the past participle
of intelligence, and living life placing the greatest emphasis on thought,
the response of memory -- of everything we've ever experienced prior to this
moment -- storing up these memories and calling that knowledge, has
imprisoned us in an idolization of the rational at the expense of
instinctual and intuitive awareness and wisdom. we have lost a fertile area
of our psychic inheritance and seem determined to leave it lost. present and
accounted for as a birthright at the moment we first breathe, this
irreplaceably precious universe of understanding and connection is
shamefully neglected by the preeminence given to thought. the urgent feeling
for life within grapples with this conundrum. for those who feel any sense
of affinity with this, i can't recommend strongly enough a story in two
books that has deeply touched something within more than anything equivalent
in over 20 years: A Story Like The Wind and A Far Off Place by Laurens van
der Post.
He did what he did instinctively. Yet responsibility for an
accurate report on his life forces one to ask oneself something
about the nature of this instinct. One wonders whether it was not
the process of growth, produced by the urgent feeling for life
within himself, hastening to the rescue of an inexperienced and
vulnerable nature, in danger of having its evolution arrested,
compelling him to concentrate on the growth of things in the world
without so that their example would set in motion again growth
within himself. World without and world within, after all, whether
one knows it or not are expressions of one another; interdependent
and ceaselessly in communication, serving something greater than
the sum of themselves. They are, however stern and exacting,
allies of a questing spirit, particularly a young spirit, charged
to join them both in a little garden allotment of space and time.
Happy for Francois, therefore, despite the miseries of the moment,
that he was free of the mistrust of instinct and intuition wherein
contemporary Europe tends to imprison human imagination, and that
the pagan influences of his environment encouraged an
unquestioning acceptance of this impulse which came to him.
A Story Like The Wind, p. 123-4
dave@sgi.com singular
DTjanitor@sgi.com duo
415/933-3556 voice-box
415/967-6239 fax-me
we come to serve.
all responses ARE greatly appreciated.
swanx for yer interest/participation,
dave ratcliffe
This toolbox CD cycle has been one of maintenance, for each of us
personally, as well as with the project as a whole. Creating the DT 6.0 CD
set pushed it and us to the edge of what is possible. In fact, we/SGI are in
the process of patenting the multi-CD website mechanism developed for the DT
v6.0. I've spent a lot of my time making the the mechanism more robust and
to some extent helping dave with the port of the DT to IRIX 6.2. I've also
tried to do some mental/physical healing. (Those who know me will
undoubtably mention mental improvement is not very probable.)
There are many, many improvements we want to effect to make the website
better. It just seems we never have the time in which to accomplish all we'd
like. I/we are still trying to find the balance among performing miracles at
work, having a life and keeping a life. I've cut back from 14-16 hour days
to just 10-12 hour days and will have been in three musicals (after a ten
year break) in a 3 1/2 month period ending mid September. It has been a
rejuvinating, although tiring, path.
The divider art we chose is one of sustainable cultivation. It is a reminder
of both the fundamental nature of the DT v6.1, as well as a current goal to
weave into the fabric of our lives.
DTjanitor@sgi.com (the two of us)
415/933-1934 (Voice)
415/967-6239 (Fax)
- The object of teaching a child
is to enable him to get along without a teacher.
- The work will teach you how to do it.
- The world is full of people
looking for spectacular happiness while they snub
... Tom
creation of more mechanism to generate and serve the Toolbox evermore
efficaciously, Rob "barefoot gaud" Toy's steadfast support in updating swank
to IRIX 6.2 as well as keeping it going through all sorts of "system
vagaries", Marc Romankewicz's unconditional support in helping to burn the
series of trial as well as final CD WORM masters, Sophie Lonsky, and Amy
Gregg's indefatigable focused direction and talents to manifest production
of this CD;
EXTRA SPECIAL THANX ALSO GOES TO Donna Yobs, Carsten Koch, Chris Pirazzi,
Michael Portuesi, Nelson Bolyard, Grant Dorman, Michele Chambers-Turner,
Greg Poist, Micheal Minakami, Allen Akin, Kimi Bishop, Patrick Bouchaud,
Ariel Faigon, Robert Tray, Kent Sandvik, Keith Cok, Dave Bouvier Kris Solem,
Dave Olson, Todd Kulick, Dave Frederick, Greg Ferguson, Robert Skinner,
Anatole Gordon, Rick McLeod, Dave McAllister, Michael Stebbins, Ravi
Shankar, Jim Truher, Jeff McDonald, Caroline Lowry, Pete Sullivan, John
Schimpf, Jessica Hardwick, Calvin Chinn, Grant Gouldon, Ben Mahjoor, Victor
Riley, Lance Welsh, Sam Leffler, Tom Benoist, Mike Gold, David Marsland,
Mark Kilgard, Gretchen Helms, Arsenio Briones, Bill Henderson, Shabbir
Latif, Matt Johnson, Judy Xavier, Beejay Murphy, Kathy Roy, Scott Henry,
Susan Lewis, Peter Hecke, Joe Ushana, Boe Gatiss, Bob Miller, Andy Cameron,
Mike Sweet, Roger Chickering, Kathy Simpson, Jim Helman, Doug Young, Rod
Armer, Callum Eastwood, Rhonda Rowland, Scott Takaoka, Ken Kershner, Bob
Green, Art Gary, Phil Culver, Ken Trant, Louis Crumpler, Matt Williams,
Aaron Schuman, Roger Brown, David Watson, Terry Drasny, Ann LaGrone, and Eva
For all issues relative to the content of the Toolbox, pleeze contact:
o dave "information ferret" ratcliffe: dave@sgi.com, 415/933-3556,
fax: 415/967-6239
o Tom "the mechanic" Murphy: murphy@sgi.com, 415/933-9134, fax:
o or, DTjanitor@sgi.com which sends mail to both of us
For all other issues relative to the Toolbox, pleeze contact:
o devprogram@sgi.com, 415/933-3033, 1-800/770-3033, fax:
And finally a few legal attributions:
Copyright ⌐ 1996, Silicon Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications
subject to change without notice. Silicon Graphics, IRIS, OpenGL, and the
Silicon Graphics logo are registered trademarks and Indigo Magic, Reality
Engine, XFS, Indigo▓ Video, Galileo Video, IRIS GL, GL, Cosmo Compress,
Sirius Video, Indy, REACT, Indy Cam, Indy Video, IRIS InSight, IRIX, Open
Inventor, and Silicon Studio are trademarks, of Silicon Graphics, Inc. MIPS
is a registered trademark of MIPS Technologies, Inc.
FORTRAN is a registered trademark of Information Processing Technologies
Corporation. FrameMaker is a registered trademark of Frame Technology
Corporation. MIDI City is a registered trademark of Blue Ribbon Soundworks,
Ltd. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. Motif is a
trademark of Open Software Foundation. Netscape is a trademark of Netscape
Communications Corporation.